About Us
About us

About Us

Despite the ruthless and inhuman aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Ukrainians have withstood, did not raise a white flag, but fought back and continue to defend freedom and democracy around the world!

Each of us - on the front line or in a hospital, in an office or factory, in the field or temporarily in captivity - works tirelessly, believes and helps, thus bringing the Victory closer.

We, the Charitable Organization, are engaged in logistics, namely searching for, purchasing and organizing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine for those who need it - for vulnerable people, the military, doctors and volunteers. 


Our mission:

To bring the Victory closer and rebuild Ukraine side by side with citizens and partners from around the world.

The war, unheard of in the 21st century, started by Russia back in 2014, continues to destroy our homes and businesses, cities and everyday plans. Many Ukrainians - musicians, actors, businessmen, athletes, chefs - have taken up arms to defend Ukraine on the battlefield.

While volunteer and charitable activities in all regions have become a reliable rear guard for our defenders. We could not stand aside and decided that we should help in the areas in which we are experts.

That is why in April 2023, representatives of Ukrainian business established the Trans Ukraine Charitable Foundation.

The purpose of the Foundation is to organize assistance to Ukraine during the war and rebuild the country after the Victory. 

Our goals:

We are working closely with the international community to bring Ukraine's victory closer and, at the same time, to accelerate its recovery and development.

Our partners are responsible businesses from both Ukraine and across Europe, especially from Germany and Poland. 

Thanks to the trust in our activities, our proactive stance and our active communication with international partners, the Charitable Organization "Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine" has established strong cooperation with the Polsko-Ukraińska Izba Gospodarcza and Kancelaria Transportowa LEGALTRANS.

Priorities of the charitable foundation:

  • Transparency and efficiency of using charitable funds for urgent needs 
  • Speed and quality of response to the needs of the society
  • Engaging Ukrainian and international businesses that share the values of responsibility, democracy and assistance to Ukraine
  • Quality communication and accountability



The Foundation operates under the patronage of

Polsko-Ukraińska Izba Gospodarcza

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Our team

The team of the Trans Ukraine Charitable Foundation is about responsibility and the highest standards.

Дуб Іван Ярославович

Дуб Іван Ярославович

Куц-Карпенко Ю.В.

Куц-Карпенко Ю.В.

учасниця фонду

Statutory documents of the fund

Everything is transparent with us. Check out our statutory documents!

Charter of the Charitable Organization "Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Ownership structure of the CO "Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Extract from the Unified State Register of the Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Extract from the Register of Non-Profit Organizations of the Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Decision of the founder of the CO "Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Our partners

We thank our partners for their support!

Polsko-Ukraińska Izba Gospodarcza
Kancelaria Transportowa LEGALTRANS

If you want to change the world, start with yourself!
