
Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Transportation of humanitarian aid

Charitable Foundation "Trans Ukraine"

Restoration of Ukraine

Charitable Foundation «Trans Ukraine»

Despite the ruthless and inhuman aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Ukrainians have withstood, did not raise a white flag, but fought back and continue to defend freedom and democracy around the world!

Each of us - on the front line or in a hospital, in an office or factory, in the field or temporarily in captivity - works tirelessly, believes and helps, thus bringing the Victory closer.

We, the Charitable Organization, are engaged in logistics, namely searching for, purchasing and organizing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine for those who need it - for vulnerable people, the military, doctors and volunteers. 

Our task is to bring the Victory closer and rebuild Ukraine side by side with citizens and partners from all over the world.

Our team

The team of the Trans Ukraine Charitable Foundation is about responsibility and the highest standards.

Дуб Іван Ярославович

Дуб Іван Ярославович

Куц-Карпенко Ю.В.

Куц-Карпенко Ю.В.

учасниця фонду

Our partners

We thank our partners for their support!

Polsko-Ukraińska Izba Gospodarcza

If you want to change the world, start with yourself!